Thursday, August 22, 2013

You can get with this, or you can get with that..

Today Brooke was in charge of Netflix. I'm not sure why we relinquished entertainment control to her (incapable) hands?? But we did .. no really though she has a very unique? taste in movies, that doesn't always (hardly ever) match my own .. so 'Hunchback of Notre Dame', 'James & The Giant Peach', & 'The Borrowers'?? Or as I now like to call it 'what 50% of HP's cast did pre-Hogwarts'

ps Draco?? not meant for gingerdom.. he's too much of a 'summer'

slso do you know how easy it would to live as a borrower?? Okay let me rephrase that. How little you would have to live on?? come on a shoebox would be roomy accomodations!

'You're just an outtie with a rusty roller skate'

So it's been an interesting week in the DeCoria household thusfar. On Tuesday we had to put our dog Ruger down..

sidenote: I don't know how to act when bad stuff happens.. I mostly just end up smiling really creepy & making bad jokes & inappropro funeral playlists ('drop it like it's hot' anyone?) basically I don't just not know what to do with my hands in most situations, I don't know what to do with myself period. in all actuality it was a pretty crappy affair. NO vet in the valley would answer. not even the horse vets (he was a really big dog so it wasn't that much of a stretch).. so we had to deviate from our normal option of 'putting them to sleep' & opt for the double tap so he wouldn't suffocate to death (he had COPD.. you've seen the commercials) & had 'broken-ish' his leg) so it was the most humane thing to do?? how is going Nazi Germany on anything humane?? i'm not sure Anne Frankly i'd rather not dwell on it.. (uh I am so lame).. well nobody in our house was up for the task at hand so we had to call our family friend Richard (who was a lifesaver.. ironic no?) came over & gave us a hand. We have next to no room for more deceased pets in our front yard

that Jeff Foxworthy joke 'You might be a redneck if..' well WE'RE the rednecks

so Phil buried him in the back yard.. well then Daddy Dave got home from a business trip & he felt that it was unfair segregation (he was a black dog) for him to be the ONLY dead pet in the back yard. so.. he dug him up.

yes folks. he .dug. him. UP!

Daddy Dave: Professional CPA, Amature Grave Robber

& then reburied him in the front yard.

 in. broad. daylight. (worst neighbors EVER!)

I mean in hindsight is was a labor of  love. that most people would not be able to do. & i'm glad my dad is the kind of guy that can do something like that?? but now I know without a shadow of a doubt where I get the 'I don't know what to do that's appropriate' gene.. ok, ok I get it from both sides.

Awktard keeps its pimp hand strong in this here bloodline

Wednesday. oh Wednesday. Cole need deodorant. We needed a paper. The boys needed a walk. So we decided to take care of all 3 needs at once & make an adventure of it!

 So off we walked, & walked, & walked. The boys LOVED it! Gabe likes to swing his cheese feet & talk to EVERYTHING! he makes every tumbleweed, pile of roadkill, & piece of litter feel like it matters & its important! we even took Gross Dog..

 or well she tagged along on her own accord.. she has NO prob inviting herself. So we make it up to town. We stop & see Phil at work. Get our groceries. Then its back to hitting pavement! So we start out & 3 minutes into it, it starts to rain. We have NObody at home to come relieve us from our walk. So I take the least useless &/or decrepit dog we have (that's right our midget marvel Gator Jake!)
(half chesepeake bay retriever// half basset hound)

  & I start to run. in FLIP FLOPS. to say I was ill prepared would be a bit of an undastatement guvna! & I run & I run & I run! ps I have not RUN that much for at least 3 months ( new mom probs I can take a baby on a walk but I NEVER get to take him on a run.. excuses excuses I know..) & I had to RUN for 1 &1/2 miles to get a car to rescue my babies (& gross dog, gross dog was suffering some major stanky leg) so I kept on keeping on. people I was like HIDALGO! my own personal cheerleader! no really I spent the majority of the run verbally cheering myself on

 'you are going so fast!' 'you're faster than the wind' 'you look so good running' 'your feet don't hurt.. at all'..

 stuff like that, that was definitely NOT true.. sidenote: I was obvi NOT a cheerleader in HS. but I made it (barely) & I go rescue my babies

(you go Glen Coco) & when I pick them up just past the HS I feel probably near as good as the peeps that relieved the Donner Party.. ok maybe better cause it was a lottle less graphic.

but that was my Wednesday. And today on my Thursday I. feel. it. but it's the sweet burn of victory! & shin splints. And it's only Thursday night! I still have 2 more WHOLE days this week! Look out world you ARE my oyster!



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