Saturday, August 10, 2013


okay okay.. so you may be thinking I've exhausted that title a wee bit..
 guilty as charged
I can't help it though.. it's puntastic!
so this year was our Applonie Family Reunion
they're held every 2 years
at Luby Bay in Priest Lake Idaho!

I mean for reals though! LOOK ^^^ at the lush green heaven of a haven..
(photo cred: not me)
you were probably thinking IDAHO.. meh.. but keep in mind folks i'm talking about
NORTHERN IDAHO! which should not be blasphamied by grouping it with ALL of that butthole of a state.

only downside is it takes quite the pilgrimage to reach it!
only like 11 hours.. whatevs.. half a day..
(not the better half *scoff* okay yes i'm lame)
it's that 2nd to LAST bit of blue at the top right.. err left.. (I know my rights from lefts) of Idaho!

 See it's damn near the Canadian border.
side note: one reunion we need to take a day trip to the land of maple syrup & Bullwinkle
to reach it we go from IF north, bypass BUTTE (who names these places?), into MISSOULA where we ALWAYS stop at Lucky Lil's travel plaza (they have like a million + one slurpie flavors), then you cut west towards COUER D'ALENE (ps.. they have ZERO mexifry radio stations in them there parts! like zero fiesta's sir!) once you've reached there you go north through HAYDEN then you cut left at ATHOL (I know who is on these naming committees?) then you head north (I know it's a lot of northward travel) to PRIEST RIVER.. which is like PRIEST LAKE but we're not quite there yet!! again we go northward for 30 more minutes and FINALLY!! there you find our little bit of heaven
if heaven is no showers, 1 ply toilet paper, long tenures of outdoor living, everything smells & tastes like smoke, smores smores smores!!, sandy cracks, & so. much. family.
then ya.. heaven..
well great grandkid babies
(we've kinda always had a few babies cause we're a large family that reproduces like rabbits)
(I think we're done though now with the O.G's popping out babies.. they've done their part)
had their first camping experiences at 4 & 8 months old
I must admit I was scared to go camping with babies
I mean how awful does that sound?
in theory somewhere between kindergarten teacher & wiping with sandpaper right?
it totes wasn't THAT bad
I was hesitant cause I mean there was a lot to consider
such as:
how do we keep them clean?
answer: you don't
how do you get warm bottles?
answer: campfire (literal smoke on the water.. they liked the smokehouse milk thang)
how do you keep bugs at bay?
answer: campfire again for the win!!( yup you just hang your babies in the smoke for a minute (obvi you keep their faces out of it..) & the squeeters have zero desire to munch!)
so really it wasn't THAT bad
 & to be perfectly honest they ended the 2 weeks smelling a LOT better than the rest of us did..
which granted is not saying much.. but it is saying a little
anyways it was an AWESOME reunion!
we didn't have everyone there but it was still a blast
at one point or another our body count was
4/4- Applonie/Watsons
7/7 Picard
so like 64% attendance.. no bad.. that'd put us at a passing grade I do believe
plus we had some of our DeCoria family come join the fun in the forms of
Uncle Mike (dad's older brother)
Aunt Cindy (mikes wife)
 Beck(mikes last daughter)
Anders(kathys first twin)
Gunner(kathys second twin)
2nd Cousin's:
Camdyn (Becks first (she's preggo with her 2nd!! (:  )
Chase (Sara's boy)
Lily (Sara's girl)
Aunt Helen planned the entire shebang!
& she went above & beyond the call of duty
she had ENDLESS activities for the kids, brown bag skits! a 75th.. errrr I mean 3rd 25th birthday bash for Grama Peggy, beach Olympics, Amazing Race, ect ect..
it. was. a. BLAST!
granted we had our bouts of drama & our little spats
 but you get that much family together, that many FEMALES together & its bound to get a little crazy!
here are some pictures of our
2013 Applonie Reunion
Gabe & Ash's first taste of our hobo(ier)/crazy sides
 the boys exersaucers were FILTHY by the time we came home!!
(bums would look upon them & say 'mmm.. no thanks i'm good)
 ben & gabe having a moment
ben literally will not miss anyone BUT the boys during his 2- year tenure to the Lord
 I promise he DUG it.. up until the camera came out.. ya i'm up for mother of the year
 my dog is a huge weiner.. & has no idea he's a dog.. he thinks he's my baby too
..firstborn probs..
 sassy & sunblocked!!
gabe's ode to his Aunt Lamey (me)
the White Hand of Sauromon!!
(ah Gabe+LOTR reference=love..true love)
 such attractive sleepers
 the boys & Aunt Suga!
(ash looks as big as Gabe.. he's not!)
(Aunt Helen custom MADE those little lovelies! & they were REVERSABLE!
the skill, the TALENT!, the pure unadulterated badassness!!) 
 'Lookin's free.. touchings gonna cost ya!'
everybody looking at the correct camera
dad proving 'white guys can jump'
has a bit of a pride issue that one
(old jock habits die hard)
 Aunt Cindy with Lily, Cam, & Chase!
I know they are like as big as her!
 Grandpa & his beach babies
 Gabes facial expression cracks me up
 Granny Moo & her Ashercat hiding from the rays
Brooke's reaction to one of the events in the Beach Olympics
 So this is a really awktard looking picture of me & the sisterfriend
& the out-of-focusness of it all makes it even worst..
'my names amy, & I have a 6 yr old's head sensoring my junk)
 Captain Coley
 Uncle Mike lent us his boat for an ENTIRE week
with which we could use to tube
& we took FULL advantage of it!
long live THE KING!!
(see what I did there?? )
 flag girls!
 our Titanic moment
 Ben & Anders catching air!
only serious tubers need apply
 I may or may not have influenced Nicole to wreck Ben & Anders this hard
they were going between 45-50 when this happened
..they skipped like rocks for at least 7 skips each..
 the yellow shorts is Anders
the gleeful face is obvi DanWolf
 Gunnar, DanWolf, & Anders
 check out that terrified mug
 beach beauties!
& those guys ;)
 Ben was super enthused about his 10mph kiddie ride
 such an easy tube to wreck on.. & off
 so.. DanWolf fell off.. & the driver didn't realize to this is Ben & Gunnar still holding on.. & Dan is back somewhere chilling in the lake..
still no danwolf.. haha it was so funny.. in a kinda bad way.. but he didn't get eated or ran over so it's okay to laugh at

bathing beauty

Gabe had a PERI Bronchial virus the last fews days
So they had to take him to the ER in Newport
This is on the way home after he got heavily medicated
The Gabey.. he like a the good stuff

ROCK out with your HAMHOCKs out

sleepy sunbathers


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