Monday, July 7, 2014


for a story to be good it has to be :: a.funny or b.compelling.. i'm not sure that this will be either..

TODAY was a big day.. I recently took a month long sabbatical away from the gym.. the first week was pretty rough.. my body craved movement!! (for the record I didn't give in.. i'm not a quitter) by the end of the 2nd week my butt was slowly getting used to NOT getting used.. & this last week I had comfortably & completely given in to slothdome.. which told me I NEEDED to get back.. so back I went today.. & honestly i'd only gained 4 lbs. (which isn't that much.. to me.. a decent dumper could account for a 1/2 of that) but anyways so today I went back to my cult (crossfit)
&&& holy hell what a TERRIBLE day to decide to go back.. it was the (not so) magnificent seven.. to be honest it was just called 'The Seven'.. but by adding 'magnificent' it gives it a certain misleading quality.. also it's just catchy.. it took me 30 minutes.. my shirt was fairly damp with sweat .. for the record i'm not a sweater so that's about the extent of my perspiration.. & it only occurs during extreme exertion... so to sum it up.. it. sucked.

so naturally. after all was said & done. I rewarded myself to the ultimate recovery drink.. a big fatty fountain dt. dew.. && even though I now feel like shit (to a certain degree) I ALSO feel marketably better.. I hate that you really DO have more energy afterwards.. i'd have a much easier time convincing myself NOT to do it if it didn't have obvious & somewhat immediate health benefits.. *sigh* first world probs.. anyways.. as I first warned you. neither :: a.funny or b.compelling

ps.. I think i'm going to take up yoga.. I mean I've seen a LOT of it on Pinterest lately && I CAN touch my toes &&& I own about a thousand pairs of yoga pants.. so basically.. already a Yogi (<<< is that even a word?? noun?? verb??)



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