Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I've had a pinteresting week.. one day: butt wrap.. next day: cauliflower crust pizza!! (and it's only Wednesday!!) Now I know, most are apprehensive when speaking of vegetable substitute for a good old American classic BUT trust me when I say it wasn't horrible.. And it was super easy to make/health conscience/GLUTEN FREE (holla)!!

So I start out grating the cauliflower & immediately the kitchen smells like fart.. which MIGHT have deterred some people but did it stop me?? obviously not.. (or this would be the shortest blog post ever) .. so then i microwaved my grated fare.. which only intensified the aroma of butt..& now it was warm butt.. BUT i still had high hopes..  I believe at this point Nicole told me that 'while most people have an angel & a devil on their shoulders I have someone that's not smart on one & some hillbilly doing a goat on the other..' which is kinda difficult to respond to?? it's a hard point to argue but i'm doubtful that 'thanks' is the correct response either (i guess maybe it's like 'how many licks to get to center of the lollipop?? the world may never know'' thing.. only not at all)

ONWARDS:: so then i added some spices, copious amounts of cheese (you can't go wrong with too much dairy byproduct) , & some egg.. so i was feeling more in my element at this point.. then i molded it (wow that makes it sound awful) into a pizza like crust shape on a pregreased pizza pan & finally threw my molded masterpiece in the oven for what was supposed to be like 10 minutes but ended up near the 25 minute marker (get your shit together Pinterest)..

 v after what seemed like forever (exageration.. it wasn't that long.. i'm just dramatic when i get hungry) .. i pulled out a  semi normal/slightely delicious looking pizza crust! At this point the fart smell was ALMOST diminshed by the smell of italian seasoning/cheese.. (glorious cheese).. Then i put on pizza sauce & various assorted pizza toppings (olives, green peppers, & lunch meat.. don't judge it's all i had) & moooooore cheese! then back into the inferno it went!!

When all is said & done it was actually a decent tasting endeavour.. the texture was actually quite nice & the taste was no where near fart (which i consider a major victory.. major major major)  i mean can i say that it tasted EXACTLY like normal pizza?? heck no!!.. BUT considering i turned a vegetable into a carb substitute & it was palatable is a feat in & of itself.. happy humpday folks! && we'll see what other shenanigans the remainder of this week holds for me


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