Monday, October 14, 2013


as the record shows i'm really not a consistent blogger.. if I get in A blog A month i'm pretty on muh game.. this blog makes my grand total: TRES (how do you spell that???) this month, meaning???= I've seriously outdone myself..

>>>>>>so at the beginning of this month we had homecoming..
well MOST off homecoming ON homecoming.. except of course the homecoming GAME, which was postponed (due to the govt shutdown shutting down ALL national parks.. aka 1/2 of Wyoming.. so it was going to take the 10 Powell fans an extra day to get here..) & isn't the GAME the core of why homecoming even exists??
whatev's I ain't in High School no mo.. & actually I DON'T understand football, I'm not in HS so this normally wouldn't even be a 'mentionable' on muh blog.. EXCEPT we have Lyv.. who has 2 more years of HS dances to attend.. so we HAVE to know these things cause isn't it ALWAYS about Lyv?? just the way she likes it;)
PS.. we totes lost.. like really bad.. the paper's headline of 'BRAVES GOT MAULED BY PANTHERS' was NOT an exaggeration..

>>>>>>Phil got a deer.. he went hunting.. but like only kind of?? he just went & walked around on his parents property until he found a cow deer.. NOT in the sense that is was an actual FEMALE deer but more because it was like a cow (ate grain & pasture food??)
^dad & coley's 90's grunge buttrocker skinning garb.. only thing missing is flannel & cocaine..^

but I guess it was a deer.. so he gets to kind of keep his man card.. in Coley's pocket.. where it belongs;)

>>>>>>>so for those out there, not aware, our house is the 'Island of Misfit Pets'.. & thanks to our new addition 3 weeks ago we now have 7, SEVEN, cats..
& was she ever a ROUGH addition!! she was so young her eyes weren't even open all the way.. so they were kind of pink & crazy looking..
^cat set to scale against a womans standard 7&1/2 size foot^

 ALSO she has NO idea how to properly clean herself so cleaning her BODAGGITS off her butt have REALLY become a labor of LOVE!! (on bath days I really have to go to my happy place).. her name has been a big area of debate.. some people call her Butterface (butters for short) & some people are wrong..
it suits her cause she's REALLY cute BUT her face..

>>>>>>>The boys are 1 month older!!! & boy are they BIG!!! I consider myself a grand champion breeder.. I mean I reproduced without even trying.. some say LACK OF PROPER PREVENTION MEASURES.. I say SKILL!
 Gabe=11 Months old.. Likes to: speedrace in his walker, scream at EVERYTHING, play with TRUCKS, say mom (everyone is mom).. favorite food: bread & cheese (the tears of my enemies).. I can CRAWL!!.. I have discovered the WHEEL & I love it!!.. favorite movie: Beauty & the Beast.. my head is OFF the charts!.. 24lbs 10oz.. 30&1/2'tall.. has 8 teeth!!
Ash= 7 months old.. likes to: demolish 'lid towers', use the FORCE, have 'dude time'.. favorite food: gluten-free bread.. he's a babbler & he smiles & laughs at everything! (even Phil).. he LOVES the baby kitten.. 26&1/2" tall.. 19lbs 7oz.. has 2 teeth!!!!
I guess Coley is a grand champion momma too.. she IS going to have birthed 2 kids in 14 months time.. only this ones a female.. ALSO last night we were sitting around. looking up baby girl names, & writing them on the white board (aren't they just the niftiest?) & dad walks in & gives them a gander & then exclaims in horror 'PEN-ELOPE!!(pen-elle-lope) ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?'.. so as far as i'm concerned that one is OUT of the running cause i'd forever just hear the disgust in Dads voice as he phonetically mocked Coley's name suggestion..

>>>>>> here are some cute pictures of ashcat thrown in for good measure
 ^camo CUTIE^
 ^david bowie babes^
 ^mom's chunky hunk^
 ^he done parked his walker all by hisself!!!^
 ^lyv kept saying Asher was HER mini-me.. cause ya know she DIDN'T carry him for 9 months OR push his out of HER hoo-ha.. SO naturally I had to make a side-by-side comparison to prove he is MY handsome-R mini-me.. ^
^note gabes semi-disgusted face in the background^


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