Sunday, October 6, 2013


so it's conference weekend!!

more importantly OCTOBER conference weekend.. there is just something about october conference weekend that really gets me, ya know??.. something about it SCREAMS sweatpants & naps & oh hey food! & don't ALL of those wonderful things just have 'Amy' written all over them??.. & more importantly it's in October which also means Halloween (aka the kickoff to the holiday season) is right around the corner, ergo, it is like one of my favorite weekends out of ALL 52 of them..

so Saturday morning it hits us.. CONFERENCE!!! so then we have to decide.. do we go all out & make HOMEMADE (as in from scratch!!) pancakes for conference morning breakfast, OR do we just buy doughnuts?? as if it was even a question! so pancake breakfast it was & oh was it glorious! we had pancakes,

 eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, & orange juice!! this time we only ended up doubling the pancake recipe (instead of our normal tripling!) because we don't have our heavy hitter Ben AND Coley has a dr's appt (aka WEIGH-IN) on Monday.. Phil demolished 10 pancakes all by himself but honestly when Cole has her game face on that is childsplay for her (we are just really good at eating?? & coley is our MVP)

after we ate.. okay more like demolished our conference breakfast we then set about watching conference.. we watched, we napped, we were oh. so. merry! So many good speakers this year!

 I wonder if they purposefully throw in an 'accent' every few speakers to keep us from falling asleep.. cause I personally perk up whenever I hear the distinct sound of someone who's first language was NOT English.. who can tune out Uchtdorf?? not I!! I hear airplanes
& BAM! i'm wide awake..

So Saturday night Dad goes to throw on his suit for Priesthood sesh when Coley presents him with a revelation of revelations that Priesthood session, for the first time, is being streamed LIVE on the internet for all to see!! His face was like Christmas!! I mean what guy is going to be NOT happy that they don't have to climb into a monkey suit & go sit on the hard overflow seating in the chapel for 2 hours?? & instead gets to stay in his hoodie & listen to church leaders from the comfort of his home with a redvines kicker??? that my friends is the recipe for a happy dave dude!

Sunday morning Coley made strata & monkey bread (conference breakfast RULES!) & we sat about the living room for the 2nd days messages.. I honestly ended up passed out for the majority of the morning session (in my defense i have a wicked cold).. BUT i promise i will pay especially close attention to those talks when the conference Ensign comes out in 1 months time!!
Then during the break me & mom took the boys on a walk.. honestly with all the snow lately we thought our strollin' days were over until next year BUT alas today it was b-e-a-utiful so WALKtober it shall remain.. for now.. (Wyoming weather is just supa unpredictable & winter can be a skank)..

when we got home Asher was passed out so naturally we decided to NOT wake the sleeping babes.. i fed baby sister cat (she is FINALLY starting to drink from a dish!! no more bottle feeding hurray!!! ) & i started this blog post with my down time.. about 5 minutes in I hear a THUD & i honestly sat there for a minute or 2 wondering 'what could have thudded' then it hits me. BABY. SISTER. CAT!!!

 so i toss (gently set down) the computer & i rush to the bottom of the stairs where i find a perfectly healthy albeit very stunned small kitten.. so I bring her upstairs & throw her up on my shoulder (in a very maternal manner) & continue to blog.. Then the Ashcat wakes up so we put BSC back in her bathroom & i cuddle my poor sick baby.. well not 5 minutes goes by & we hear FRANTIC meows from the bathroom so Mom opens the door, expecting her to burst out like a jailbreak (in true BSC fashion) but.. nothing.. so Mom investigates further & finds her swimming in the toilet!! i know WOOF!..

so all in all a very successful conference weekend!

full of food, naps, & elastic waistbands!! granted BSC used up 2 of her 9 lives.. but you can't win them all..  well until next time!! see you in 6 months Monson!! you stay classy fellow mo-mo's!!


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