Monday, March 9, 2015

Your letters are about as heartwarming and personal as a coupon

randomely decided to look into my sent e-mail folder && this little gemstone I sent to Ben on October 5, 2013.. i'm posting it because it fully illustrates just how my mind works, thinks, && jumps around from thought to thought with no regard for where it came from or where it's going..
 enjoy, ya?? 

PS that was my actual header to this letter.. my brother=the warm fuzzy feel goods, always
dear elder faggot,
so yesterday was homecoming.. kind of.. due to the government shutdown ALL national parks are closed so it was difficult for Powell to make it here?? not the team of course but the 12 fans that are going to show up.. so they postponed the game from yesterday at 4:00 to today at 2:00.. so yesterday was a lot of homecoming MINUS the homecoming game.. which is the whole reason we have a homecoming?? whatev's I ain't in high school.. so Rainey was Jr. Attendant so yesterday morning was devoted to getting her ready for the assembly/parade/but not for the game.. this whole last week was pretty busy for me in the salon.. Brooke had clients too but EVERYone wanted nail sets I swear.. so my brain cell count is pretty depleted after this fume-filled week.. I just had to bathe the kitten & let me tell you it was a LABOR of LOVE!! she had BODAGGITS! & guess who got to pick them off.. WOOF!! she is decidedly NOT Lyv's cat, she's is the babies cat cause THEIR MOMS are the reason that cat is still kickin it.. Did you get the picture I sent explaining her name?? Butterface, butters for short.. cause she's super cute, butterface ;) clever no?? this morning I FORCED her to start to learn to drink milk from a dish, cause me & cole are SICK of having to feed her with a bottle all thru the day & night.. We watched The Great Gatsby last night.. it was a super well made film.. (it was Baz Lhurman, who directed Moulin Rouge/Australia so it was in that style) & it was super well acted BUT my hell it's just a shitty stinkin story!! like who decides to write depressing crap like that?? Some Fitzgerald dude apparently.. so all in all it was kinda a bust.. idk if you would want to waste your time watching it.. Conference today!! which means?? CONFERENCE BREAKFAST. you sir missed out!! I made pancakes! IN cool shapes even, that WEREN'T just circles, mom did hashbrowns, bacon (real & pork), & eggs with orange juice.. We only doubled the pancakes cause you weren't here.. (Mudd ate 6 herself, Phil had 10 pancakes, 3 cups OJ, 6 cups milk, 2 eggs, 2 sizable hashbrown servings, & 4 pieces bacon.. Coley has an apt with Dr. Milleson on Monday otherwise she would have eaten him under the table! BUT she doesn't want to get chastised for weight gain..) Gabe ate some pancakes himself.. he now sits in a high chair & MOSTly feeds himself. It is a beautiful thing. Lyv looked super pretty last night.. so me & Phil decided that Austin is not necessarily a bad looking kid it's just his face happens on only 30% of his head.. which strongly resembles a bucket.. Asher's teeth are SOOO sooo sharp.. we have to be very watchful when the kitten is out cause Ashcat has a knack for throwing her around by her many & various apendages.. It's now 1:30 & dad is getting up to go to the homecoming game.. he hadn't slept in like 36 hours & he got like a 3 hr. nap in.. he works too hard & too much.. he was sleeping with Ash for a while & they were both snoring.. it was like a choir.. dad was the tenor & asher the star soprano.. then ash woke up & dad started puffing.. Ash is now rolling around & panting like a dog.. pretty regular occurance in all actuality.. so phil was sick, got brooke sick, who got ash sick, who got grama sick, who now has gotten me sick.. it feels like I've been snorting chlorine.. & everything, EVERYTHING tastes like snot.. so really the last few days when I've been eating mostly for textures.. I should just stick to eating air cause it's less calories?? Lyv was worried about not fitting into her dress & her fool-proof plan was going to be copious amounts of laxatives the day before.. I obvi talked her out of it.. in hindsight though I maybe should have let her 1 or 2.. Jean went to see her daughter this week so we need to make sure we go see Bob & feed him this week.. Asher is now 19 &1/2 lbs..Informercials can suck muh wang.. we've had topgear, conference & informercials on the tube today.. *pantomime gun shot to right temple* coley is ALMOST to 30 weeks knocked up.. which is exciting no?? So I know that I am now rambling.. & I actually really REALLY need to take a anp BUT brooke wants the computer to watch Teen Mom 3.. which I don't have a prob with .. but I don't want her to have it.. for whatever reason.. so all I have to do is hold out like say 10 more minutes.. cause then she'd only have 5 minutes to watch TM3  before afternoon sesh & lesbi honest it wouldn't be worth it.. does this make me a bad sister?? perhaps.. i'm now writing with one hand, laying down, in an effort to stretch this letter out..lugies too many lugies.. I don't even know if they have consessions at todays game?? fail.. i'm now just mostly pretending to click keys.. Brooke has the poops.. she blames my pancakes.. I blame the laxatives & probiotics.. ya well hope Portugal is sweet.. CTR dude. Remember who you are & what you stand for. Loves & airhugs
Love Ames & Ashcat


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