Friday, May 22, 2015


First:: Let me just say that i'm pretty sure I think in rants. I don't even know if I could help my verbally lengthy (seemingly angry) thought process if I tried. But lesbi-honest here, I probably wont try. Also, I don't view myself as an inherently angry person persay. I'm just incredibly passionate about weird things. So know that most of what I say, I say with well not love (cause that's not my style) but lets say with some degree of oddly placed affection.

This is something that's been on my thinker for a while & while I anticipate it to be slightly controversial at best i'm still going to say it. Naturally. So here I go up on-top of my soap box. Please don't shoot me.

Pregnancy is not that hard (I can hear the shanks being sharpened) BUT really NOT in the impossible way that I feel like women make it seem. I'm sorry BUT its literally WHAT we were built for. Amongst other things, like we aren't JUST glorified baby builders, BUT kind of. I will admit it's uncomfortable. You're growing another human being. Your pelvic bones are literally spreading so you can push a watermelon out of something that is generally the size of a lime. Your boobs are heavy & sore. Physically its taxing. BUT its doable.  I mean I've never heard of someone DYING from being preggers. To clarify, I have hard of women dying from complications due to pregnancy & from labor (which is a natural & imminent side effect of pregnancy) but NEVER just flat out expiring from being knocked up.

Certain peoples bodies RESPOND better to growing another human being than others. I feel like I was built to grow babies. My sister on the other hand, is easily one of the best mothers I've ever met, but she sucks at pregnancy. She does. Her first pregnancy was so taxing that not even anti-nausea medication could keep her from being hospitalized multiple times during the ENTIRE 9 months for dehydration due to throwing up so violently & frequently. It was literally like she was possessed. The sounds we witnessed coming from the bathroom were truly scarring. She also had polyhydramnios, which caused her to gain 45lbs of excess water on TOP of the 40 lbs she just gained by naturally being up the spout. 85 lbs folks & so much amniotic fluid her skin was like memory foam) They had to induce her a week early just because her skin could literally stretch no further. By the time she left the hospital after 2 days she had already lost 35 lbs of pure fluid. 
(this was her ankle a few days AFTER childbirth.. her skin was still memory foam.. that's a dog pawprint.. taken roughly 3 minutes AFTER he stepped on her leg.)

She had about as horrible a pregnancy, with the exception of those that end in stillbirth, that anyone could have I shit you not. She's now 26 weeks into pregnancy #3. She's still pretty terrible at it but she NEVER bitches about her babies.

Why?? Because its never ANYthing that ought to be complained about. I'm sorry but pregnancy is generally a choice. Even in unexpected instances. I never planned on getting knocked up BUT by choosing to be sexually active I knew that it was a possibility I was technically CHOOSING to maybe live with. The babies that we bear don't ASK to be born. They never ASK for us to get pregnant. THEY OWE US NOTHING!! THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE GRATEFUL!! WE SHOULDN'T BLAME ANY OF OUR PHYSICAL WOES ON THEM!! We CHOOSE to bring them here. Pregnancy is how we do that. It's kinda been happening for a couple thousand years I think by now we should have ALL caught on.

(don't worry about the weight gain. it's normal & healthy to gain on average 35 lbs. It's not like you're going to just keep being pregnant forever.. also if you naturally don't gain the recommended weight as long as you're healthy that's all that matters)

It is incredible what we women are able to do. Pregnancy & childbirth are truly awe-inspiring. I mean the stork method would have worked out too if that's the route God had chosen to take. But being able to bear children is nothing short of amazing. Labor sucks. But its still admittedly really friggin cool.

To the women who get pregnant & choose to continue to upkeep there hard-living life styles while pregnant:: I.E. smoking, drinking, hot tubbing, ect. Grow the f*** up.  There is NO excuse. I don't care how much 'you don't want to be pregnant' & 'just can't handle it' STOP being so damn selfish. It is 9 months of your life & if you can't keep your shit together for even 9 months then please, for the love of God, find that baby a better situation. 9 months of your life. NOT EVEN A FULL YEAR & you are making decisions  that will affect someone else for the rest of their lives. I was there. I was terrified. Absolutely scared shitless when I found out I was pregnant. I wanted to get away from it all. So I remember that. I feel for anyone that has to go through that BUT honestly get over it. Motherhood & selfishness cannot exist together. Since you already, in a round about way, chose motherhood.. guess which one needs the boot..

Think of what we are complaining about? What if the one thing that as a woman you should be able to do you couldn't? Think of all the women that would kill (like literally cold blooded murder with their bare hands) to be able to go through childbearing. 
Infertility is such a heartbreaking & emotionally draining thing. It can be just as hard to NOT have a baby as it is to HAVE one. Just in different ways. Also, consider all the women who are at the point in their lifes where they are dying to be in a position where they can start their own family. Think of the heartbreak they feel yearning every single day over something you mock by claiming it to be such a horrible inconvenience. Pregnancy is NOT ABOUT US. It is ALL ABOUT THEM. I am so grateful that I was able to bring my Ashcat into this world. I would live in that pregnant body, with 'dat ass' & all the side-effects that went with it, everyday for the rest of my LIFE if that was required for him to be here. 

In closing. Pregnancy is lovely & miraculous. Pregnancy is not a burden. Pregnancy is a blessing. It should be viewed as such.

&&& scene. Ames out.

PS, to all you knocked up ladies out there. Don't shank me. I had to say it.

PSS. On the flipside motherhood is friggin tough. Mad props to all the mothas in the place.


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